
In the Round...

For some reason I have been all about ceremonies lately. One of my all-time favorite ceremony set ups are set in the round. No one has gone for it yet but I'm working on a few of our 2010 couples ;) Not only is it crazy unique but it has such symbolism. The circle represents the same thing that your wedding bands represent - there is no beginning or end and you are literally surrounded by the love of those around you. So c'mon - step outside that box and spring for a round ceremony - just be sure to give your photog a heads up so they can prepare for a fabulous picture like those below!

On a personal note I wanted to apologize to you all for the lack of blogging. While Rick and I were away my grandmother passed and it's been a rough road since. We're all doing alright but it's especially difficult this time of year. So everyone hug your loved ones extra tight and make sure you count those blessings each night! 

G - we love you and you will forever be in our hearts. 
{balloons released at her funeral - each person took a balloon and released it to join her in heaven. It was beautiful and very sentimental}

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Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your grandma... but why didn't you try to convince me a little harder to do the round ceremony? :)

alesha said...

I LOVES YOU SEISTER!!!!!!!!! (and i like u 2)


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