
Meet the Vendors: Goodwin Lighting!

Introducing the fabulous lighting designers Glen and Vicki....

Glen Goodwin & Vicki Lipstreuer

Location: Lakeside Park, Northern Kentucky

Company Name: Goodwin Lighting

Type of Vendor: Lighting Design and Production Services

Number of Years in Business: since 1995
How did you get started in the wedding industry? We (Glen and Vick) both studied lighting design in college and trained in theatre and live performances. We began working in the special events industry designing for business meetings, corporate hospitality parties and weddings.

How did you pick your company name? We spent a lot of time working on a name and determined that “Goodwin” was a recognized name already in the marketplace and with other vender's. It was and still is synonymous with creativity, professionalism and excellent service.

If you had to start over what one thing would you do differently? We would start with a larger office and warehouse. It was amazing how quickly we outgrew our space.

What is your company philosophy? We provide the best possible, unique design for each event. No matter how large or small, each client receives the same professional service and attention.

What's one thing you want clients/vendors to know most about your services? That we are professional designers. This is not a hobby, but rather a passion to be the best at what we do. We are involved in over 400 events each year, of which some 250 are weddings. The best place to see the range of work is on our web site;

Do you have any hidden talents or favorite hobbies? A hidden talent would be that we have become very good photographers. We often shoot our own work, as it is challenging getting good images in low light levels. When we get a chance, we like to fish, hike and enjoy a good bottle of wine.

What are your three favorite blogs besides The Tres Chic Bride? Unfortunately, we are too busy to spend a lot of time on blogs. Our ‘free’ time on the computer is spent reading industry forums and reviewing current lighting techniques and products. We try to stay current in our industry.

Thanks for the insight into the world of Goodwin! I am a 100% supporter of having a lighting design at receptions. I would seriously forgo all other design elements just to have lighting! It is the single thing that will completely transform a room. For an even bigger impact have the lighting change from early evening soft dinner lighting to a 'clubbier' {is that a word?!} lighting for a rockin' dance party.

Don't these pictures make you feel something about the rooms and the weddings? It's all in the lighting....

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see Goodwin's talent at our wedding!


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