
Ice Ball Anyone?



Designer ice will appeal to premium liquor drinkers

Iceculture Inc introduces the first major development in cube ice technology seen in years - the ice ball. Traditional cube ice will water down a fine scotch whiskey or premium liquor very quickly but the new crystal clear ice ball overcomes the problem.

Liquor is poured over the ice ball and settles in the bottom of the glass. As the liquor is sipped, it passes around the ice ball cooling down on the way to your mouth.

The ice ball, available in 2.5in and 2.75in diameters, is extremely hard and melts slowly. And as it does, the ball shrinks and still retains the perfect, round shape.

The ice ball idea originated in Tokyo, Japan where premium drinks at hotels and upscale bars are very expensive. The ice ball addresses the problem of maintaining the integrity of fine liquors enabling customers to savor the taste of their favorite brands.

There is a prestige factor too, as customers drinking from a glass with an ice ball will be recognized as someone who enjoys fine liquor.

So why spoil a $40 scotch with 15 cents of cube ice? Premium brands are right on the ball!
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